Christine Kim


Upcoming Shows

Jun 22
Christine's comedy has been described by her peers as "mischievous" "quirky" and "smart". She is well known for her "bummer" factor and not being afraid of the dark. She has been told she has a great deal of flawed logic, but in a GOOD way. She is one of the 2021 SNL Scholarship Recipients, as seen here! She is a St. Nells humor writing resident this March 2022! She is also the co-founder and co-producer of Very Big Very Asian Comedy Festival which will premiere this May 2022 at Broadway Comedy Club in NYC! If you come out to shows, you may have seen her in a variety of stand up shows and dark crawl spaces around NYC. She is the co-creator and co-producer of Nice to Meet You Comedy and Street Cred Comedy. She was recently part of the Good Karma Comedy Festival 2020. You may have also seen her recently in digital sketches with That Just Happened, live with her indie sketch group Adam's Summer Class or her sketch house team RUNDMV at The PIT. She is also an alumni of Old School Sketch Show. She has studied with The Barrow Group, T. Schreiber, Wynn Handman, The PIT and UCB. The greatest compliment she has received in life is being called a "trailblazer" and has been compared to Meryl Streep. Whatever that means.